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Category Archives: Wanderlust

With the fall air blowing our way, I’m feeling in the mood for a change. Rich colors, warm blankets, and snuggly clothes.


1. Art Prints from The Wheatfield  2. Cards from Rifle Paper Co. 3. Boots from DSW, Outfit from Anthropologie, and Baby Sweater from GAP    4. Witch art from Slippin Southern

Now to decide what to be for Halloween!

I’ve had plenty of time to sit and stare at things I want in the last week. I don’t know any of these people or companies, I just love what they do. Here are my favorites:


A sign for the door of the hospital room that we can put on our door or mailbox when we get home. I can’t wait to share the news! I love that this one is sweet and simple. From OohLaLaBabe’s Etsy Store.


Cheesecloth wraps from Simply Done Design. These are beautiful for photographs. I’d love to get some and see how they do as light weight blankets too. I love Simply Done Design’s color options and that you can get pretty coordinating sets.


Our new house has one of those beautiful giant switch plates for a phone to be plugged into. I’m sure most people’s home still have these, but since we only have cell phones, we don’t use it. The last place we lived, it was inconspicuous so I just ignored it, but ours sticks out like a big sore thumb built into the side of a cabinet. I want to get an old vintage phone to hang over it, I like irony of hanging an old out of date phone over the out of date plug for the phone. This phone is sold here.


Okay, I probably don’t, but as it’s getting hotter outside, I feel like I need this Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker and now that it comes in Turquoise, it only justifies it more, I love bright colors!


What have you found that you love this week?

Now that I’m so close to having this little guy in my arms, my yearnings are starting to turn away from cute and comfy maternity clothes, and back to clothes of regular size! I am excited about this, and also quite nervous to see how I look in my pre-pregnancy clothes post baby. I’ve been on the hunt for things that are still comfy, since I will be toting around a baby all the time, but with my same style. Here’s a few things that are on my wish list for this week:


As soon as I saw this dress, it grabbed me. I absolutely love it! And it’s on sale this week at zulily. I’m thinking a little pre-baby splurge might not be so bad on something this pretty, right?


New tank tops from Shade Clothing. When I tell you I lived in these things prior to being pregnant, I ‘m not kidding. I wear them under everything, I wear them to bed, I wear them working out, I love them. After seeing the 29 colors they are currently offering for spring, I am dying for some new fun colors! These are seriously the best tank tops/undershirts around, and go on sale on the time, making them just as cheap as other basic undershirts.


This dress was featured in the ad for JcPenney’s this week and I fell in love with it. I love the colors, I love the length, and I love that it’s a shirt-dress. Since I am going to be nursing, I will need more clothes that I can unbutton (aka- easy access).


And last, but not least- these cute sandals from Modcloth to go with either dress. They are summery, sweet, and match most of my wardrobe.